Dear Friend of Bladder Cancer Canada,
Please help us understand what patients and caregivers think is important in bladder cancer research.
Below is a link to a patient and caregiver survey that has been designed by our colleagues at the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network in the USA. This survey has already been completed by many across the USA and we are interested in learning how patients and caregivers in Canada feel.
By completing this survey, you will assist us in understanding what areas in bladder cancer research you feel should be prioritized. The results of this survey will help us move forward in that direction.
If you are a patient, caregiver, or loved one of someone with bladder cancer, please fill out this important survey (click here).
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you for your support and we look forward to your response!
Dr. Nimira Alimohamed
Medical Oncologist, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary
(on behalf of Bladder Cancer Canada)