Our theme for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month is simple: Let’s make bladder cancer impossible to ignore. Follow along this month and…
- Know the facts
- Hear the stories
- Get support
There’s something for everyone this month, regardless of whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, going through treatment, dealing with recurrences or for the general public, needing to know the signs and symptoms.
On all our social media sites, we’ll be sharing stats and facts about bladder cancer. You’ll be introduced to bladder cancer patients and survivors living with various types of bladder cancer and in different stages of their disease (newly diagnosed, ongoing patients and survivors) and their caregivers. We’ll be sharing all the various ways that Bladder Cancer Canada supports individuals living with bladder cancer and how you can help support our awareness efforts.
You can expect eye-catching visuals, blog articles and podcasts. You’ll be hearing from some of our partners including the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition, Seagen Canada, Pfizer, EMD Serono and Coloplast, to name a few.
With the support of our partners – and you, our bladder cancer community – our vision is clear: to create a world where bladder cancer is just a memory.
Awareness is critical in saving lives
We know that 12,500 Canadians this year will be diagnosed with bladder cancer, along with the 80,000 Canadians currently living with this disease. By making more people aware of the early symptoms, our hope is that more people will be diagnosed in the early non-muscle-invasive stage when their cancer can be treated swiftly and efficiently, preserving their bladder and quality of life.
Follow us on social media and share on your own social sites. For those not on social media, keep an eye on our website for the blogs and podcast, and watch for the May newsletter and annual report. Forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to get involved.
Stay informed. Join us this month to help spread awareness and save lives.
Thank you for all your information
on Bladder Cancer. I am a survivor of non invasive T1 & I am going into my 5th year . After going through 3 years of BCG treatments every 3 months the first 2 years & then every6 months , finally ending them & having an all clear I can honestly say Thank you to my fabulous Dr , nurse , & this website for being able to manage this disease.