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Audio Option 2 (Female):
The garden is best viewed on desktops and laptops. For the mobile experience, please turn your devices sideways. For a completely immersive experience, listen to the audio provided above.
We take pride in being a safe space for those living with a bladder cancer diagnosis and the caregivers supporting them. See the house in the distance, a warm and welcoming haven, offering care and comfort.
Bladder cancer patients sometimes describe their experience with cancer as an unexpected journey that they are not prepared to take. See the path leading to the house, to a community of love and support. The path may have twists and turns, but it eventually leads you to a place that feels like home.
See the flowers along the path that represent our original monthly donors, our early bloomers if you will. These donors generously donate to our monthly giving program, some of them for over 10 years now. Different flowers represent different values, but each are equally important. Feel the consistent bright warmth and love that they each provide. Thank you to the early bloomers!
Along the path, you find a bench. It represents the support of our partners, for when our bladder cancer patients need somewhere to stop and rest along their journey, a strong base of support when the path becomes overwhelming or feels endless. Rest gently and become stronger.
Notice the little things you haven’t noticed before.
See the mountains in the distance, feel their unwavering and solid support, like friends and family, there every step of the way.
See the pond tucked away, like ongoing BCG treatments, washing away the cancer from inside the bladder.
Can you find the red fire hydrant? Unexpected and surprising, a reminder always that If You See Red, See Your Doctor.
And then, last but not least, there is you.
A freshly prepared flower patch is waiting. Your seeds are nearby; we’ve selected them just for you. Plant your seeds of commitment, hope and positivity and help our free programs and services flourish for years to come.
Your monthly donations help The Giving Garden grow while supporting bladder cancer patients and their families across Canada. Help us plant the seeds for future generations by making your commitment today!

New flowers/donors will be added with the changing of each season. Check back soon to see your donation growing in the garden!

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