Until now there has been no organization to speak as the global voice of people affected by bladder cancer and the organizations which represent them.
Representatives of national bladder cancer organisations recognised this unmet need and have worked together to found a new organisation, the “World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition”. This organisation is legally incorporated in Belgium as an “Association internationale sans but lucrative” (International non-profit association). The mission of this organisation is to:
- Foster an international community of people affected by bladder cancer and cooperation among national bladder cancer organizations
- Advocate for access to the best possible bladder cancer information, policy, support, and care
- Build alliances with health professionals, policy-makers, academics, researchers, and industry
This organisation is governed by a board of directors, composed of people diagnosed with bladder cancer, carers of people with bladder cancer or those engaged with national bladder cancer organisations at a high level.
The organisation is now looking to hire an Executive Director as its first staff member. This staff member would be working remotely, with regular video conferences with the Board and other bladder cancer patient organisations.