As part of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, we were so proud to collaborate with our friends EMD Serono and Pfizer on this patient video, featuring an important member of our bladder cancer community. Blair has urothelial bladder cancer and is a proud volunteer at Bladder Cancer Canada – in this video, he talks about how having access to reliable information can give you more control over your disease.
Blair, like many other Canadians, will benefit from the recent news about the maintenance and treatment of patients with advanced bladder cancer, including metastatic urothelial carcinoma. You can read the news release from EMD Serono and Pfizer here: .
What BCC has to say:
“Urothelial carcinoma patients who are diagnosed at the metastatic stage face a five-year survival rate of five per cent; what they need urgently is access to treatment options with as few challenges as possible,” says Ferg Devins, a survivor of non muscle invasive bladder cancer and Volunteer Board Chair of Bladder Cancer Canada. “The recommendations are welcomed by patients and their loved ones as a way to help manage the outcomes of this difficult disease.”
“BAVENCIO addresses an urgent unmet need for patients with metastatic UC and disease that has not progressed on first line platinum-based chemotherapy,” says Dr. Srikala Sridhar, MD MSc FRCPC, Head of the Genitourinary Medical Oncologists of Canada, Associate Professor and Medical Oncologist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. “The reimbursement recommendations by pCODR and INESSS are an important step in getting this treatment to these patients in Canadawho need it the most.”
Thanks to all involved in this initiative as we work towards making more Canadians #bladdercanceraware.
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